How we support

Twp people, one adult and one child, sit on comfortable, colourful chairs facing away from the camera. They are drawing or writing something together.

Young people come to Do Your Own Thing from all over London and beyond.

Our amazing team of friendly creative session leaders and volunteers are on hand to guide young people through taking part in different creative activities and will adapt their approach to support the needs of everyone.

We are not able to provide personal care or 1-1 support to our participants, but are 100% committed to ensuring everyone can access the activity and participate in their own way.

If your young person needs 1-1 support to attend Do Your Own Thing, then please bring them along and get creative together. It’s a great way to spend time together doing something different.

When you register, we will contact you and arrange a time to chat with the young person and their parents / carers to get to know individuals’ support needs.

We are happy to follow any guidance and advice parents and carers can share to ensure the young person is supported in the way that enables them to fully participate at their pace.

Once attendees are familiar with Do Your Own Thing, parents and carers do not need to attend the session. Parents and carers can relax in the cafe or come back at the end of Do Your Own Thing if the young person does not need 1 to 1 support.

Heart n Soul staff have the right to ask parents or carers to support their young person, if we feel this is necessary.

Our current Covid-19 policy allows anyone to attend, regardless of vaccination status.

We recommend that people wear masks and sanitise their hands, but it is not mandatory. If you or someone in your household has signs of illness or if you have recently come into contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid, we request that you stay at home.


Read our safeguarding policy

Read our Taking Part guidelines